A Nigerian man‘s business collapsed two months into his marriage after his wife’s parents and siblings moved in with him.
The story was shared on the popular social media platform X (formerly Twitter) by a user, @Ne0_0fficiall, who claimed to have heard about it on the radio.
According to @Ne0_0fficiall, the man’s business crumbled under the financial strain of supporting his in-laws.
The post read: “Just listening to this story on the radio where a man got married, and within two months, all of his wife’s siblings and parents came to live with him. Bro has been carrying the bills, and his business has crumbled.”
Reflecting on his own personal boundaries, the user stated, “There are just some things I know will NEVER happen to me. I would rather turn gay than marry into a poverty-stricken and shameless family. The kind of billing from your family would make me lose respect for you.”
He added, “My own siblings and parents will not live in my house, and neither should yours. This is not up for debate. Everyone should stay in their own homes. We can help them occasionally, but they should not move in.”
He further advised, “A lot of you men really need to learn how to set strong boundaries. You’re too soft.”
The post sparked a flood of comments, with many individuals sharing their thoughts on the situation.
See some reactions below:
@JohnEtebom: “Its a standard on should set even in talking stage. I hate d word I want to visit with my friend.”
@WarriWeirdo: “My guy dy do this but with his family. His sisters are married but he’s taking the responsibilities of their children not bcos they asked him to but bcos he feels he’s entitled to do so. He no too get and now it’s normal to them bcos they’re always asking from him.”
@umuMCFC: “I am strongly against having my inlaws visiting me. Everyone should be on his or her own.”
@Ugochauchenna32: “Nah hand u give people way them go use follow u, the man nah him keep body way make that kind thing happen.”
@amuaeee: “It’s not about the girl coming from a poor home, it’s about class. Some rich or poor people don’t have class.”
@IamDrReason: “I share a similar mindset. Nobody should live with me as I don’t want my children to live with anybody. Everybody should stay in their house.”
@JettoeUchir: “There’s nothing wrong in inlaws visiting you but it should be clearly defined: purpose and duration before it happens. My friend is suffering and smiling from this same thing. All his sister inlaws and even his married brother in-law is staying with him bt he can complain & sleep.”
@Afrocrossboy: “Whatever he’s facing he should enjoy will he learn we don’t care but at least he knows now even little actions have consequences.”
@UtdJuice: “I know someone who was looking for a wife but ended a soon-to-be-relationship at talking stage after the girl told him the number of siblings she have, plus she came from a poor background. The expenses that come with marriage these days choke.”