[Video] Lamboginny – Black Man
Posted by badgeKennedy 0

Lamboginny – Black Man

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BLACK MAN - is a brand new single from Lamboginny, a Nigerian Afro-Dancehall Artist and Global Prison Reform Activist. It has a strong Afro-beat style anthem, that directly addresses the issues affecting the global Black community and generational injustice on African Americans.

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The black man started his journey out of Africa in chains and shackles as slaves in 1619 and till date remains oppressed by systematic racism and mass incarceration. The global black community has never been allowed to enjoy maximum freedom. We believe it is time to end this generational bondage and allow the black community to experience their full potential.

This single boasts striking imagery which is a representation of the message that needs to be heard right now, as the world comes together to advocate for, β€œBLACK LIVES MATTER.”

Lamboginny is calling on the general society to put an end systematic racism, embrace equality and empathy towards all humans.


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